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Our Classes

All participants are required to schedule an assessment with one of our coaches before starting classes.  Participants will be placed in the appropriate class(es) based on that assessment.

Rock Steady Boxing

Rock Steady Boxing Classes are designed to address symptoms of Parkinson's including balance, strength, stiffness, tremors, coordination, voice, and more through non-contact boxing, bag work, footwork drills, stretching, resistance exercises, and aerobic training. Our classes are divided into five levels to provide a safe, effective workout environment for everyone at every stage of PD. We have nine classes a week offered at our headquarters in Snohomish.


PWR! Moves

PWR! Moves is an exercise program that works to improve neuroplasticity and slow the progression of Parkinson's Disease. Focused on large movements, this class is designed to maintain or restore skills that deteriorate and interfere with everyday movement.  It is suitable for all and offers flexible and functional amplitude-focused exercises that target multiple symptoms of PD. Our PWR! Moves class is divided into two groups and is offered at our headquarters in Snohomish on Tuesdays at 11am and 12:15pm.




Yoga for PD

Our yoga classes are designed specifically for Parkinson's and will push you to explore where you can expand your range of motion and give you more access to the life you already love. Yoga improves balance, reduces anxiety, builds strength, and creates a sense of wellbeing. We have two classes a week offered at our headquarters in Snohomish. Thursdays at 10am, we offer chair yoga, where we explore all the traditional yoga poses from a standing or seated position.  Fridays at 10am, we offer a yoga class that incorporates traditional floor work.




The TREBLE Makers of PD

The TREBLE Makers of PD is a silly, fun and engaging class designed to battle the motor and nonmotor skills affected by Parkinson’s Disease through variety of games that focus on improving vocal resonance and projection, connecting with others, and self confidence. Join us as we use laughter, teamwork and imagination to increase your fine motor skills, visualization, body control, and big intentional movements. Our TREBLE Makers class is offered on Mondays at 10am at the Shoreline Senior Center and is open to all levels and abilities.


Tremor Rigidity Expressiveness Bradykinesia Loneliness Emotional health

tre·ble (verb) to make or become three times as large


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Headquarters: 112 Ave D, Ste B, Snohomish, WA 98290

© 2020 by Parkinson's Wellness Place. Proudly created with

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